Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What can Facebook do for you?

A recent conversation with a friend had valuable insights hidden within. Thought pf sharing it with you...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Is Job hopping really that bad?

Jobs today do not last as they used to a generation before. No more do you hear of a person who entered an organization at an entry level, dedicated the entire career life, growing with organization and finally retiring from the same organization.

In the past few years job-hopping has become so rampant across the industries that even a four year stint is considered a stable job. The front-runners of this phenomenon are IT industry where often job seekers change their jobs every year. It’s a common thing to be on your 5th job within the first five years after graduating. Thanks to the booming job market, they get placed back into the industry very easily.

All said and done, is job hopping really bad? There is a divided opinion here. Many recruiters now do not automatically chuck your resume away if you are a job hopper. They feel that job hoppers are not what have been propagated as branded “slackers.” Both organizations and individuals look for a fit when it comes to recruiting. It is only that the fit here does not match. More than ever before, young graduates do not understand their career aspirations and land into jobs they are not suited for. Employer loyalty has touched the lowest and they easily shift to another job instead of contemplating the reasons behind their short-lived stint. With such aimless job hopping, they tend to loose their shine and many recruiters turn them down. These recruiters have a strong reason behind this harsh decision. They do not want to waste their time and money to train someone who has a tendency of leaving the job. Ankit Kohli, a Senior Manager with a well known recruiting company adds, “Most recruiters want to know whether the jobseeker has a good story to tell or not. As in why they left the previous job. Until they have a logical answer to it, they stand a chance of becoming a part of the organization.”

In some professions like retail or creative fields like advertising, job-hopping is un-avoidable. It is often also possible that the job a job seeker joined may be different from the job advertised for. But Ankit suggests here that no matter what, a job seeker should try to stick to one job for a full year. A performance review from the company you wish to leave may help you in reasoning your leaving the job. This will even provide ample time for both you and your organization to solve the current problems you are facing.

Ankit adds that the best way to avoid job hopping behavior is rash decisions. Generally a graduate does not do the homework necessary before joining the job. Due to their lack of understanding of the job offer, they soon realize that their current job is not gratifying enough as they had expected. Anupama, a recruitment agent agrees with Ankit and feels that you might not be able to figure out the whole picture of the organization you are interested in working with, and where you fit in that picture. But you can always take time to understand the organizational goals and affirm that your goals fit, if not exactly to the organization you wish to choose to work with.

Somya, an HR consultant feels that when it comes to saving the day for a job hopper, the best way out is target the first job. It is difficult to compare the benefits of having a long tenure at ones’ first job, if you have a good start you probably have a reason to rejoice. She explains that in India we follow an Inventory Model when we talk about measuring the knowledge quotient in a person. According to this model, knowledge is added through higher studies, storing and applying this knowledge once you start working. Thus, the first job becomes important as it reflects the knowledge you gained in the area of your specialization. The multiplicity in terms of the quality and quantity of work you lay your hands on during the first job is beyond comparison. As you move towards specializing in your career pursuits, your first jobs remain the only time when you actually do a lot of non-specialized work. She adds that successful first jobs often lead to successful careers. First jobs are great teachers. The first job is a crucial factor when we discuss a prospective job seeker for our clients; a two to five year stint is ideal match for us. So make the most of your first job, as this time spent might as well help you in your future prospects.

Guide to being the best new CEO!

New CEOs wear a crown of thorns. An article to help you charge up fused workforce under you.

Congratulations on becoming a new CEO. You always worked hard for it and you must deserve this great opportunity to be the boss. Now that you have settled in your seat, you may certainly realize it is not that easy to sit on that seat, anyway you adjust. In a Corporate where winning is not a norm but a necessity. Being a new CEO, you may often hear your sub-ordinates tell you “But this is how we have always done it!” The phrase itself realizes the flaw I wish to enlighten you with. The “we always have done it” is the focus area of this article. This phrase signifies the constant need of your sub-ordinates to work in a mode that they are used to. This mode of work is the work culture of that organization.

Every Organization works on a work culture. Change in leadership needs change in the work culture. Work culture of an organization can further be divided into – “values systems” and “operating norms – the way daily business is conducted.”

Practicing solid values can never assure results unless they are backed by ardent commitment to performance standards that are integral part of the organization’s norms.

Question now arises “Does the organization’s norm drive performance or do they weaken it? I am sure you agree to the later ideology. Operating Norms of any organization are the only performance dampeners a CEO has to face. The challenge every CEO faces is to change these norms of a triumphant work culture without diminishing the positive elements in it. Work culture change in any organization is never an easy task. Transforming a healthy work culture is even more difficult. This is so because organizations are made of people and they never understand why a change in an operating norm is necessary when it is providing results. This is omnipresent specifically with people in the organization in all levels who have spent entire careers working in the organization. They are the ones who specifically are rigid to the process of change. With constant change in working environments, work culture needs to evolve into more performance oriented. The only way a leader can bring these changes is by being enduring, forthcoming and meticulous in insisting on changes at all levels of the organization or they will instantly snap to the earlier mode of operation the moment the pressure is off.

Let us take a hypothetical organization with such disorder. This Organization often tends to reward loyalty where they need to reward performance. Poor performances of people are excused on the pretext or the other only because they stood with the organization in the storm of change. Senior managers may tend to diffuse responsibility of performance, making it difficult to know who the culprit is. Instead of removing such poor performers, others shielded them from responsibility. These performance norms related directly to the organization’s inability to deal with conflict. In such organizations, managers show inability to tolerate open conflicts in meetings. Disagreements over issues tend be taken as personal attacks. Majority of people may think that everyone needs to agree before a decision. As a result, there are delays in decision-making process and conflicts are hence dealt with in an indirect manner.

In such an organization, a CEO needs to install a closed loop performance management. Although this sounds obvious, I have seen many firms lacking such necessities. This obviously means changing attitudes of the organization towards work and replacing such managers who are not ready for change. Many managers are unable to develop at the rate of growth of the business, their job profiles expand due to the change of culture, but with old habits, they often remain the same. Often CEOs and organizations tend to fail to take tough calls in assessing their management assets. This is disastrous to any organization’s growth. Please remember Managers are the most important feature of an organization for brining success to the organization. Due to rapid growth in business often, we see that organizations fill up the ranks of managements with people who are either old loyal supervisors or managers with less or no experience.

Creating Work Culture Changes

Evolve your meetings with constructive conflicts by creating a challenging atmosphere. To do so ask probing questions, insist your managers to present each situation in objective manner rather than sugar coating it for you. This may lead to criticism. Delve into the matter and question every aspect until satisfied. Empower your managers with responsibility and understand each process to determine the responsibility division.

An organization with strong work culture, success only takes time. It is often necessary to evolve a successful company’s world culture to prepare for the ever-changing work place environment. Extra-ordinary results are just waiting to happen if you are ready to indulge in the mechanics of the organization and keep evolving the work culture. Keep a stern eye on performance and be ready to let go of old paradigms to set new growth patterns. Reinforce your management and enable your company evolves through time.

Which MBA is good for you?

Today’s raving economies of the world tempt every warm blooded individual to jump into the growing businesses. But businesses today have a growing demand for particular knowledge blend of both business and technological expertise. Career options for any individual always tend to be congruent to the educational choices they make and considering this, MBA is definitely the right step towards getting rewarding professions in the future.

Gaining an MBA degree is a choice that a lot of intelligent professionals are choosing to make. Although a wise decision, it is still important to select a degree that fits best for you.

Understanding MBA:

MBA or Master of Business Administration Program is a Graduate Management degree that relates theory and practice to efficient specialized business management. Technology and globalization have provided the right settings for such specialized management techniques to foster better business operations. With complex factors like regulatory controls of the government and socio-economic factors of free trade and open competition, enrolling to a MBA program is not such a bad idea after all. As MBA programs help you resist these swift and sometimes drastic changes of the global economy. If you are working in an organization, you will agree that by finishing this program in good scores will increase your salary too, so why should you not grab a degree right now! Some researches show that by adding an MBA degree to your credentials can get you up to 25 percent raise in the current salary.

Nearly all business schools around the world provide a large number of options lined up for you. From specialized, to dual specialized programs, study part time while you are on your job (executive MBA) or full-time and even study online MBA. The specializations are as varied – subjects like human resource management, project management, communication management, leadership, change management, legal studies, IT, international business management, e-commerce, marketing and many more… So how do you choose the right MBA for yourself?

Which Business School? Choose Wisely!

This question can only be answered by first doing some homework. The best way to check if you are going to the right b-school is by checking its rankings. Although these rankings certainly provide a more accurate assessment of the schools but this is not all. Check out if your b-school has placement center. The placements and alumni should be high in standards and best placed respectively. Only then agree to join a b-school. But even if the b-school is considered the “best”, does that really mean that the MBA program you wish to pursue at the b-school is perfect for you?

Customize your Decision for an MBA:

Your decision for the MBA program should be based on your current requirement. If you are a student of commerce and you like doing statistics get a specialized MBA in Finance and Control. Go for that MBA that suits your past studies and work experience. We wish to enhance your portfolio not start anew on something you feel good today. MBA works generally as an add-on, keep a focus while you choose your MBA program. The MBA Program should compliment your mindset and your educational qualification. Keep your career in mind when you choose the specialization. Realize that this specialization works only if your interest in pursuing a career in the area of specialization is present.

Always make sure what the title of the Degree will be. Please check if the program is recognized by any university and what will be the duration, intensity as well as the structure of the MBA program?

Although there are no right answers to your MBA choice but if you keep these broad outlines in mind you will choose the right MBA for yourself for sure!

Does Merit and Scorecard help in Achieving Corporate Goals?

Getting good marks is quite essential, but is it the only determinant for achieving corporate success. Merit has always been a strong determinant of a successful career but lately the scenario has changed. With a genuine rise in pass percentage, we have seen more of 95+ scoring students than ever before. With such stiff competition a decent score sheet alone does not do wonders. One needs to be a sharp performer coupled with being a well-groomed individual in order to create a niche for oneself in the present cosmopolitan society.
When you walk into an organization today you need to look and sound very confident. For that you need to come out of our shell and fit comfortably into the corporate world. So it becomes all the more essential that you are well tuned and polished on the lines of professional ethics, mannerisms, public speaking, giving presentations in style and confidently. Moreover one needs to have the right kind of body language and knowing how to present and package one’s thoughts in public. This in turn would enable the individual to stand out in the crowd.

Having said this, I feel there is a dire need to evolve our educational system and add such imperative skills in the course curriculum. The design of such a program should encompass basic elements that would train students and young professionals to be able to fit well into the corporate world. It is therefore not just personality development that needs to be addressed alone. A holistic development of individual in both personal and professional matters needs to be emphasized in such programs. One needs to be a good manager at a persona level managing his home and domestic front confidently and with great ease which then translates into professional success. So when we are talking about such enhancement programs we are just not touching upon some basic components but are looking at a whole gamut of skills that would broaden the students’ horizons and pave way for better opportunities and a brighter tomorrow.

Education in the booming era

With a multitude of job opportunities knocking the doors of young Indians, Distance Learning has evolved from being a last resolve to the best resort for many. Often these young ones are working with a company and add skill to their current job by studying on the job.

Nikhil, who is a Radio Jockey at a local Radio Station, is pursuing his Graduation from EIILM DDL. He thinks that conventional university would have never provided the kind of freedom his job requires.

Ripu Daman Deol, an entrepreneur, is pursuing an online Management Degree in Marketing from University of Liverpool. He finds online education the best option for working people as it keeps them on the job and nourishes their career prospects at the same time.

Suhail Mukherjee working as Sales Manager with a reputed chain of Retail Stores has received two promotions since the completion of his Bachelor of Business Administration through the Distance Learning Program at Rai Foundation.

Many other such stories show an evident change in trends of Higher Education in India. As perceived, this scenario is not merely an effect of gap between demand and supply. Distance Learning is fast becoming a credible source for the resourceful Indian youth. With more and more people taking on careers at early stages of life, Distance Education is fast picking up.

Distance Learning: A credible option

Many recent policies have further added credibility to Distance Learning. Distance Education Council DEC, the regulatory body for Open and Distance Learning has further started assisting many institutions in conducting programs through Distance Learning. Distance learning reaches out to the students and provides them freedom to pursue any profession with their education. This not only brightens their portfolio but also adds a hands-on experience with the necessary educational background at the finishing of such programs. All this has seen many large companies recruiting and helping their employees who desire a Distance Learning Degree/Diploma. More so Distance Learning has a potential to become a catalyst in Indian higher education system. Distance Learning is definitely a progressive step towards empowering India to become the next knowledge super power.

Growing Technology – boon to Distance Learning

Distance Learning is a good option for students who live in far flung areas. With many colleges providing online degrees, students have better options and they are making most of it. The professoriate has a new role to play with technology-assisted mode of instruction which has completely evolved the student teacher interaction. Internet has made it possible for a teacher to teach in a virtual classroom environment where students study and have the option to study as and when they can. This freedom from a classroom environment is a very lucrative deal for India, with a large geographical entity, ever-growing population and poor educational infrastructure.

To conclude, Distance Learning is an appropriate step for developing countries like India. As economy braces for new highs, education has to evolve new mediums to reach the youth, across the geographical divide. India has a vast pool of young people. We need a progressive education system that can dispel the seeds of wisdom across the masses. The only feasible way to do so is by Distance and Online education. With technology becoming more accessible, India can become the best distance education providers in the world.

Humor in office: the best Stress buster?

It is a well-documented fact that humor provides umpteen benefits for both mind and body. As few areas of life are more stressful than a workplace, humor at place of work could be the best way to communicate and get things done with least of stress or anxiety. Humor not only reduces stress, it helps boost the morale, bring people closer, and perhaps even wards off burnout. Humor helps in connecting people and removing those invisible barriers while making a lively office environment. However, please remember that too much of everything has a down side of it. Humor may even alienate people and even create a hostile environment. There is a fine line between being humorous and offensive.

A survey showed that although humor is the best way to de-stress, it could be offensive. A vast majority of people who polled stated that jokes at their office mainly centered around making fun of their colleagues based on factors like age, weight, and even sexual orientation. Almost half agreed that they themselves made fun of co-workers’ age or weight. While there was not a lot of difference between what women and men found offensive, women were more likely to feel offended if remarked upon their physical characteristics, like scars weight or cleavage.

There is a very thin difference between being funny vs. being offensive in office humor. How can co-workers have fun without making the other person offended? Following are some guidelines we need to remember while telling jokes around the office:

  • Understand the message: Ask yourself, is the message I am sending could not be said without adding the joke along?
  • Know the Audience: Do you really know the person you are intending the joke. Mere acquaintances are not the right people to joke about, specially on their physical attributes.
  • Abandon serious topics while joking: Never joke on topics that are contentious in nature or excruciating to your audience. Jokes on issues like physical disabilities, death, or discrimination etc should always be avoided.
  • Be cautious of politics: Avoid making political jokes at office. You may hurt somebody’s ideology.

When you are in doubt, might as well leave it out: If you are unsure on how your joke will be received, might as well leave it out.

Humor is a good medicine to de-stress, if the taste is right. We need to understand that although you are very chummy at office, office jokes need to be in good spirits. Understand that the person you are talking about is a colleague first and then your friend. Make jokes, not to offend but to underline a message that helps the organization than cause unnecessary harassment.