Friday, November 2, 2007

Global work force mobility is no longer a myth, a critique on this global trend…

World is shrinking into a “global village.” We are reaching a stage when we will stop referring business issues as global or country specific. As multinational companies integrate the world into one large economic biome, globally mobile workforce is vital for such worldwide incorporations to be feasible. Educational institutions providing global education have further worked as a catalyst for creating such workforce who can make this nexus possible. Multinational companies are today recruiting the best of talents across the national divide to maintain their corporate edge. Skill sets have become more important than the traditional inclination on judging people from the institutions they studied from.

Indians fast becoming the best choice for Globally Mobile Workforce

Indians have made a strong contribution to this global workforce movement. Interestingly, successful Indian emigrants both as entrepreneurs and working class show a clear distinction that the colleges they studied from hardly have any impact on their careers. Recently global mobility has shifted from sectors like IT and academics to diverse industries like hospitality, advertising, banking, and real estates. Avinash Gupta, Executive Chef at Ritz Carlton, United Kingdom says, “Studding from College of Hospitality and Tourism never acted as a deterrent in my profession, instead I have been able to secure this job only on the basis of my skills honed there. Institutes are never what people here look at; they see your skill and nothing will stop you from making it big if you have the right aptitude towards your profession.” Recently more and more Indians are making it big in foreign lands. When asked they share a common view that no matter which institution you study from your skill-set and aptitude alone are the only determinants of your success abroad.

Reason to rejoice: Outsourcing

Global workforce mobility is a rising phenomena, more so due to the rapidly increasing costs of doing business. Efforts for reducing costs have prompted companies to relocate their operations to more cost effective areas. Such business movement also has acted as a boon to globally mobile workforce. As an impact of globalization many international organizations have started sourcing resource and capital from across the globe. We have seen much liberalization in immigration policies across the developed economies of the world like US and many European countries including UK, France etc. This is only another example how global societies are excepting mobility of workforce.

Talent Migration

Talent migration is a strong feature of global mobility. Migration decisions are always categorized by push and pull factors. Factors that make a person leave the place of birth are called push factors while factors that make him come to the destination are known as pull factors. Push and pull factors are somewhat two sides of the same coins. We have generally seen psychological and socio-economic factors prompting migration. These ideologies have gained more significance in recent times as developed nations have started liberalizing their migration policy the world over due to the twin impact of fierce competition and aging native workforce. Migration has recently seen a new development. Many people have started migrating from developed nations to developing nations as an effect of outsourcing. More people today our taking part in this global reshuffle. Breaking traditional migration structure has helped globalization. Global workforce mobility has recently become a vital symptom of faster economic growth of the developing and developed economies.

As more and more people are leaving their native places for better prospects both inside and outside their country, business economies world over are evolving themselves to welcome talent across cultural and traditional barriers. In the coming decade, it is been predicted that many developed countries like US, Europe and Middle East, may have a severe labor shortage. It is evident that global mobility is vital to counter such shortcoming. Westernization has only helped encourage global mobility. Globalization is the future of worldwide prosperity, we need to nurture current generations towards such changing times. Educational systems need to be developed where skill enhancement is the epitome of a wholesome learning. We have the right numbers, now we need the appropriate skills that could make India the next super power. Although there are many factors that need attention, but global mobility is vital for societal upliftment and growth. We need to nourish this extremely encouraging future ahead with better education and infrastructure to provide for the booming service industry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I´ve been searching for information about Talent migration and I found a company called Ascentador that has information about this on the webpage.