Friday, November 2, 2007

Which MBA is good for you?

Today’s raving economies of the world tempt every warm blooded individual to jump into the growing businesses. But businesses today have a growing demand for particular knowledge blend of both business and technological expertise. Career options for any individual always tend to be congruent to the educational choices they make and considering this, MBA is definitely the right step towards getting rewarding professions in the future.

Gaining an MBA degree is a choice that a lot of intelligent professionals are choosing to make. Although a wise decision, it is still important to select a degree that fits best for you.

Understanding MBA:

MBA or Master of Business Administration Program is a Graduate Management degree that relates theory and practice to efficient specialized business management. Technology and globalization have provided the right settings for such specialized management techniques to foster better business operations. With complex factors like regulatory controls of the government and socio-economic factors of free trade and open competition, enrolling to a MBA program is not such a bad idea after all. As MBA programs help you resist these swift and sometimes drastic changes of the global economy. If you are working in an organization, you will agree that by finishing this program in good scores will increase your salary too, so why should you not grab a degree right now! Some researches show that by adding an MBA degree to your credentials can get you up to 25 percent raise in the current salary.

Nearly all business schools around the world provide a large number of options lined up for you. From specialized, to dual specialized programs, study part time while you are on your job (executive MBA) or full-time and even study online MBA. The specializations are as varied – subjects like human resource management, project management, communication management, leadership, change management, legal studies, IT, international business management, e-commerce, marketing and many more… So how do you choose the right MBA for yourself?

Which Business School? Choose Wisely!

This question can only be answered by first doing some homework. The best way to check if you are going to the right b-school is by checking its rankings. Although these rankings certainly provide a more accurate assessment of the schools but this is not all. Check out if your b-school has placement center. The placements and alumni should be high in standards and best placed respectively. Only then agree to join a b-school. But even if the b-school is considered the “best”, does that really mean that the MBA program you wish to pursue at the b-school is perfect for you?

Customize your Decision for an MBA:

Your decision for the MBA program should be based on your current requirement. If you are a student of commerce and you like doing statistics get a specialized MBA in Finance and Control. Go for that MBA that suits your past studies and work experience. We wish to enhance your portfolio not start anew on something you feel good today. MBA works generally as an add-on, keep a focus while you choose your MBA program. The MBA Program should compliment your mindset and your educational qualification. Keep your career in mind when you choose the specialization. Realize that this specialization works only if your interest in pursuing a career in the area of specialization is present.

Always make sure what the title of the Degree will be. Please check if the program is recognized by any university and what will be the duration, intensity as well as the structure of the MBA program?

Although there are no right answers to your MBA choice but if you keep these broad outlines in mind you will choose the right MBA for yourself for sure!

1 comment:

Kartik said...

Well written sir! Your apt description of management studies has encouraged me to join an MBA!